General description of the product:
GAIMORIS is antibiotic of plant origin with strong bactericide, antiviral and antiseptic properties. It has anti-inflammatory and antipyretic effect. Thanks to its unique composition, it can activate non-specific protective body reactions in case of infectious diseases and recurrent respiratory infections. The unique characteristic of this product is its capacity to combine wide-range antimicrobial action with immunomodulating effect. Virusal has no toxic effect and is absolutely safe.
The important characteristic of the product is its strong antiviral effect in different viral infections. Being antioxidant, it protects cell membranes from peroxidation, reduces penetrability of artery walls, protects the body from negative effects of endo- and exotoxins. This product is also a strong detoxifier. Body detox is achieved through choleretic and diuretic effect and normalization of digestion due to presence of amarines.
Virusal has spasmolytic, analgesic, sedative, anti-seizure effects, regulates blood pressure; it is beneficial for cardiovascular system, dilates coronary arteries, has anti-rheumatic effect. Besides, the product has broncholytic, expectorative and general non-specific anti-inflammatory effect. Virusal demonstrates strong antiseptic, antihelminthic, antimycotic effect and can be used as a wide-spectrum anti-parasitic medicine.
Through positive effect on functional activity of different organs and systems, the product mildly regulates the immune system.
The products is used as adaptogen and general tonic in asthenic states, exhaustion, after severe diseases etc.
One of the most important effects of the product is its antioxidant action through biologically active substances such as polyphenols, vitamins, minerals. Antioxidants the product contains neutralize (chemically bind) peroxides, oxides and free radicals, prevent oxidation of the instable compounds in biochemical processes in the body. Antioxidant action of the product can be regarded as anti-inflammatory and detoxifying. Biologically active substances in the product protect cell membranes from peroxidation, have radio-, hepato-, pancreato- and gene-protection and anti-cancer action. Such action ensures prevention of excessive formation of free radicals, which should be used for prevention of cancer and also in the combined anti-cancer therapy for tumors located in different parts of the body. Antioxidant action also prevents premature aging.
Biologically active substances:
Universal effect of GAIMORIS is due to a combination of biologically active substances of the plants it contains, including alkaloids (berberine, cardicin etc.), steroid compounds (β- and Υ-sitosterols), different flavonoids, including methylated, quercetine derivatives, triterpenoid saponins, triterpenoid glycosides, choline, phenolcarboxylic and other organic acids, silicates, coumarins, tannins, lignans, mucus and other polysaccharides, essential oils, gums, micro- and macroelements, vitamins.
Pharmacotherapeutic properties:
The product has specific antiviral and anti-inflammatory effect confirmed by clinical trials, and it also facilitates restoration of different chains of the immune system.
Flavonoids and lignans in the product normalize antioxidant system, which ensures general anti-inflammatory effect as well as choleretic and hepatoprotective action. Simultaneously, biologically active compounds of the product demonstrate antimicrobial effect. Combination of antiviral, antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory makes it possible to use the product in different disease, including combined treatment of AIDS and lung tuberculosis patients, and there are clinical proofs of it. Normalization of antioxidant system parameters is one of the most important aspects of general body detoxification the effect of which increases due to adaptogenic effect, choleretic and diuretic action of the product. Combination of choleretic and hepatoprotective actions is beneficial for all the digestive system, including the bowel. Normalization of bowel condition and function ensures additional antiviral protection of the body.
General tonic and immunomodulating effect of the product ensures body resistance against infections.
The product has anti-inflammatory, antibacterial and antioxidant effect. It facilitates sputum expectoration from the respiratory system, increases bronchial activity, ensures body cleansing in people with nicotine addiction, excretion of radionuclides and carcinogenic substances, improves general condition during rehabilitation period after respiratory diseases, boosts the immunity and improves adaptation capacity of the body in the polluted areas with high concentration of harmful substances in the environment.
acute and chronic infectious-inflammatory diseases of upper and lower airways (tonsillitis, laryngitis, pharyngitis, tracheitis, asthma, pneumonia, tuberculosis etc.) and ENT organs (sinusitis, maxillary sinusitis, frontal sinusitis, ethmoiditis, rhinopharyngitis, otitis);
viral and bacterial diseases of different localization and severity, including influenza and acute respiratory viral infection (both as prevention and in the acute period or at the time of epidemic) and herpetic lesions.
Apart from the above, GAIMORIS is used as auxiliary formulation in the combined treatment that alleviates the course of the disease and accelerates recovery in dermatologic (skin rash), gynecologic (adnexitis, vaginal candidiasis), proctologic (exacerbated hemorrhoid), internal (cholecystitis), infectious (acute mumps, chicken pox, acute dysentery, acute strep throat caused by tonsillitis), dental (stomatitis, gingivitis, periodontitis), cardiologic and rheumatic (secondary endocarditis) diseases, surgical practices (furuncles, hidradenitis, infected wounds, trophic ulcers).
Dosage and Administration: 1-2 tablets 2-3 times a day 15-20 minutes before meals with sufficient amount of water.
Treatment course: 1-3 months with 7-day break after each month. Repeat twice a year.
Warning: food supplement should not be used as an alternative to adequate and balanced nutrition. Do not exceed the recommended dose. Please, consult your doctor before staring the product if you are taking any other medications.
Contraindications: sensitivity to any component of the product, pregnancy, breastfeeding.
This product is not a medical drug.