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High-quality natural complex herbal remedy with tonic, stimulating and tonic action.
Designed to restore male potency and improve erections.

biologically active substances: phytohormones, euripeptides, steroid and triterpene glycosides, glycoproteins, squalene, plant antibiotics, tannins, micro – and macronutrients, etc.

general characteristics of the tool

The overall effect of the drug is expressed in stimulating and restoring male potency, increasing sexual desire, delaying ejaculation, normalizing the state of the genitourinary system in infectious and inflammatory processes and neoplasms. Additional effects – diuretic, choleretic, analgesic, detoxifying.

Biologically active substances that make up the product show androgenic activity, stimulate spermatogenesis, reduce sperm viscosity, have anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial effects. Acting on the central mechanisms of erection, they can restore libido, increase sexual satisfaction, promote the production of full-fledged sperm, improve physical and mental performance, and eliminate overwork.

The use of the drug leads to increased erection due to blood filling of the cavernous (tricky) bodies of the penis.

recommendations for use:

  • erectile dysfunction (erectile dysfunction);
  • impotence, reduced potency, infertility;
  • Premature Ejaculation;
  • acute chronic prostatitis and prostate adenoma;
  • chronic infectious lesions of the genitourinary system;
  • decreased sexual activity in old age.

method of application: 1 capsule per 30 min. to intimacy. It is not recommended to use more than 2 capsules per day.

caution: the drug should not be used as a substitute for a full and balanced diet. Do not exceed the recommended daily dose. When using any medications at the same time and before using the drug, you should consult your doctor.

contraindications: individual hypersensitivity or adverse to any of the components of the drug, increased nervous excitability , insomnia, disorders in the cardiovascular system-arterial hypertension (high blood pressure), arrhythmia, angina pectoris, persons under 18 years of age.