
X-plez can be recommended as an additional source of biologically active substances and antioxidants. Contributes to increasing the level of natural testosterone in men, improves the quality of sperm, effective in erectile dysfunctions (treatment of male infertility and sexual impotence). Helps in stressful situations that arise in the pre- and post-menopausal period (in conjunction with Jevanam capsules). Can be used to prevent and reduce manifestations of excessive physical and mental stress (stress) and insomnia. It contributes to enhancement of the adaptive capacity of the body, as well as cardioprotective and sedative properties. The drug significantly accelerates the recovery of muscle and energy tones of athletes after physical activity (in combination with Fortistimo). Allowed for use during sporting events, as it does not give a positive result of the doping test.

Composition (per 1 capsule):
Active ingredient: dry extract of dried fruit Tribulus terrestris (Gokshura) – 300 mg; dried extract of dried root Withania somnifera (Ashwaggandha) – 100 mg; Dry extract from dried root Chlorophytum borivilianum (saved muesli) – 100 mg.
Excipients: gelatin capsule (gelatin, titanium dioxide).
Nutritional value (per 1 capsule):
Carbohydrates 59.11%
Proteins 6.95%
Total Fats 2.65%
Fiber 1.78%
Calorie content (per 1 capsule): 1.4403 cal.

Adults with 2 capsules each day before bedtime.
To improve the quality of sperm and erectile dysfunction by 2 capsules twice daily.
To improve the physical capabilities of the athletes and the adaptive capacity of the body, 2 capsules per night (recommended from Fortistimo – 1 sachet at the start of the morning in the morning).

Do not exceed the recommended daily amount. The dietary supplement should not be used as a substitute for a complete diet.

Children, pregnancy and lactation, individual rejection of the components of the product.

Side effects:

Storage conditions:
Store in cool dry, protected from direct sunlight, inaccessible to children. Not a drug. GMO free.